Let's get to work!

Once you have subscribed to a Link (let’s say, Sent notification when a tracker has covered the estimated distance), you will access the configuration menu, which is formed by three simple steps.

1. Set the inputs

Choose which trackers the automation will affect. The credit cost will depend (among other parameters) on how many vehicles are related to this Link, but you will be able to check the estimated cost on the right menu:


2. Configure the triggers

Each Connect Link will have different triggers according to its purpose or outcome.

Following with the previous example (Send notification when a tracker has covered the estimated distance), you’d need to set:

For example, if the Link is Close to a POI, you’d need to select a POI (point of interest) or geofence in our catalogue, import your JSON files, and add the perimeter ratio that would trigger the output.

Link - Subscription - Close to POI.png

If you select the Average consumption link, as the output would be a report, you’d need to configure its frequency.

Link - Subscription - Average consumption-1.png

Again, the price of the Link would vary depending on its configuration, for example, its frequency and, therefore, quantity of data consumed).